You are the only guru. You are the only guru. You are the only guru.
Why do I say you are the only guru? Well, because we all have different minds and, in my opinion, there isn’t only one right way, nor anyone who can tell you how to get there by doing something in the way that works in the right way for them. No one knows you except for you.
A teacher can only take us so far. Anything we learn, we take in, learn from, dissect, and make it our own.
Some people subscribe to the thinking that the universe brings us opportunities when we are ready. I more subscribe to the thinking that those opportunities are always there and we let ourselves know by our reactions when we want to step up to them in a new way.
The beauty is that we’re all right. We’re all our own guru.
The last couple of weeks have had a couple of opportunities for me to decide how I wanted to take care of myself in a new way. When I became angry and hurt about something last week, I became aware that my continuing to be dismissed by someone wasn’t what I wanted for myself any more. It’s something that happens quite often with this person so it wasn’t new, but my response was me letting me know that I want to take care of myself in a new way now.
My second response was this morning when someone without a mask on stepped too close to me. As a type 1 diabetic in Covid times, I view this as a threat. I was angry at him and at myself for not speaking very directly to him to step away from me, but I reminded myself that my loudly growling at him got my point across and it’s more than I would have done in my past.
As I did some light weights this morning, the online instructor talked about why it’s important to work on our back. She said, “we need a strong spine to hold our heart up”. I was fascinated to think about that physically while it also occurred to me how important that is mentally and emotionally. I wondered if I had been holding my head high with my shoulders back this morning, would I have more naturally and easily spoken out to the man who directly crossed my safety line.
For me, I believe these things would have happened regardless. What’s new is my response to them. I ask myself what I want for myself now.
What I want for myself now is to own my worth of speaking up for myself as a healthy adult would. I can look to others who I trust for how they speak up, but as my own guru, I will make this my own.
— Lisa Pratt, February 2021
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