Christmas New and Old


I hope this is finding you all well.  I'm curious as to how your Christmas may or may not have been different this year.  Were any new traditions created?

My husband and I moved to a new place over Christmas.  There have been moments of pure excitement, fear, and stress.  We are tired, but are now able to enjoy our new place while stopping to take it all in.  Even though I love the final outcome of a new place, moving is something that I do not like at all (and I hope it is not a new tradition).  

As I get to know myself better, I realize that I get a "NEED" to move about every three years.  I had always beat myself up about this and wondered why I couldn't be happy just staying somewhere, but then I started working on my ancestry and realized why I get this "itch"... it's in my DNA. 

I often write about my parents.  My parents were difficult for me, but as I come to appreciate myself more, it opens room to better understand them.  Even though my parents faltered in ways, one thing they did extremely well was Christmas.

Christmas in our home was perfectly magical.  It was the one time that my parents seemed to come together in a way that they enjoyed each other.  Every Christmas with them was pure joy and I'm very grateful for this experience. 

My mom found a beautiful way to celebrate Santa Claus while also giving a meaning to the birth of Jesus.  

Now that my parents are both gone, Christmas is the best time of year for me to reflect on that feeling of pure magic with them.

Sometimes our magic changes... sometimes it can be absolute joy while other times we have to look to find how we can bring a joy to our present and our past.

Take extra time during this season to provide gentle care to yourself and those you choose in your life.  Reach out to others during this time and surround yourself with what brings you a sense of what you hope to find.

-- Lisa Pratt, December 2020
